These paintings are about humans and humanity.  They are about social justice and equality.  They are about the cultivation of strength from girls to women. They are about mothers and daughters, and the generations to come.  Most of all these paintings are about love. 

We all stand on the shoulders of those who fought for freedoms before us, let's stand tall. 

Choose EqualityI am another youfor our daughtersback to before 1972?Taos Pueblo Girl and American BuffaloGalapagos Tortoise and GirlGuardiansDreaming of Mei: Asian ElephantFlight of the Whooping CraneIt Takes Courage To Power RevolutionsA Wheel Would Collapse Without All Of Its SpokesGirl with Double BassGirl with MandolinOr The Egg?G. CommissionWalking Away?Metamorphosis of a GirlThe Sky's ClothUnraveled By ButterfliesBraveSow Hope Love OneLove and ButterfliesArtemis and the Bees Hunt the Colony KillersSeeds PlantedTo My Boy:To My Girl:Dream Seeds:•"A Woman is Sexy... not a dress" (Armi Ratia 1958)Love The QuestionsSong of DespairWinona LaDukeDavid Bowie