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video poem 
I hope each of us asks this question often: what is environmental impact?  And what is my environmental impact? Sometimes, my subjects are endangered species and extinction. Sometimes they are about climate change. Sometimes I focus my gaze on bees or social (in)equality and education. And sometimes environmental impact is, intimately, about the landscapes of internal darkness, that which is hidden underneath: vulnerability, fragility, fear, trauma, uncertainty, loss, humanity, courage, connection and love—of place, of animals, of self, of people we care about.   Environmental impact is melting icecaps and hugging a tender-hearted, teary child.  Environmental impact is prioritizing the people you love with kisses and fat hugs and prioritizing voting and recycling and consuming conscientiously.  Environmental impact is renewable energy: the sun, wind and water.  ALSO RENEWABLE ENERGY is: love, laughter, inclusion, compassion and education. 

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© Britt Freda. FolioLink © Kodexio ™ 2024
© Britt Freda. FolioLink © Kodexio ™ 2024